Policresulent Not Recommended for Sprue Medication, This Is the Reason

Policresulent in the form of liquid medicine preparations outside concentrates is often used by the community to treat thrush. However, this is actually not quite right, because the risk of side effects is greater than the benefits. So it is important to know the right use of polycresulent, so that it can get its benefits as a treatment. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has issued an official letter containing an appeal not to use products containing polycresulent preparations of liquid medicine outside concentrates, for safety reasons. While policresulen in other dosage forms, can still be used as one step of treatment in several conditions.

Benefits and Risks of Policresulent Side Effects

Policresulent is the result of condensation from metacresolsulfonic acid and methanol, which have acidic properties. This drug has an effect as an antiseptic (inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria) and hemostatic (material to stop bleeding) which can be found in the form of concentrated liquids, gels, and vaginal tablets. Policresulent is often used to treat inflammation of the cervix (cervix) and vagina, as in candidiasis or trichomoniasis, as well as to stop bleeding that occurs after cervical biopsy or after removal of polyps in the cervix. Behind the benefits, policresulent also has a number of side effects that may be caused, including:
  • Causes discomfort around the injured area.
  • The vagina becomes dry and the inner layer peels off.
  • Irritant reactions arise in the area around the use of drugs.
  • Allergic reactions such as itching and swelling appear, to anaphylactic reactions.
Although it is believed to have many benefits, the use of policresulent in the form of an external liquid medicine with a concentration of 36%, is now no longer recommended in Indonesia.

Polycresulent 36% Concentrated Drug Liquid Preparation Not Recommended

The appeal began when BPOM received 38 reports from health professionals who received patients with complaints of side effects of the use of policresulent preparations of liquid drugs outside 36% concentrate (Albothyl) for the treatment of thrush. Health professionals have discovered serious side effects from the use of these drugs, including enlarged and perforated mouth ulcers that cause infections. After conducting an assessment of drug safety aspects with pharmacologists from various universities and clinicians from related professional associations, BPOM officially prohibits the use of drugs containing policresulent in the form of liquid drug preparations outside 36% concentrate as hemostatic and antiseptic at the time of surgery, as well as their use on the skin ( dermatology), ears, nose and throat (ENT), also teeth and mouth. Based on an official letter from the government, policresulent liquid drug preparations outside concentrates are declared very risky if used without dilution first. This is what makes the use of policresulent liquid drug preparations outside the concentrate is no longer recommended. The suspension of Albothyl marketing licenses, and other similar products, will continue to be enforced until the corrected indications submitted by producers are approved by BPOM.

Other Treatment Options for Sprue

If you are accustomed to using these drugs to treat thrush, BPOM recommends replacing them with other drugs containing benzydamine HCl, povidone iodine 1%, or a combination of dequalinium chloride and vitamin C. It is recommended to always maintain a balanced nutritional intake, as well as routinely maintain dental and oral hygiene, to prevent the onset of canker sores. You can also do the following steps at home, to help reduce complaints and treat thrush naturally:
  • Gargle liquid saline solution (1/2 teaspoon salt and a glass of water), 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Compress the part that has sprue with ice cubes, until it melts.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Gargle with alcohol-free mouthwash.
  • Avoid the habit of touching thrush that is inflamed.
To be safer, you should consult a doctor first before buying over-the-counter medicines, including policresulent as a liquid drug preparation outside 36% concentrate. Your doctor will help resolve your complaint in an appropriate and safe way.


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