
Cold Sweat in Babies, Beware of the Causes Behind It

Cold sweat, including cold sweat in infants, is not the same as night sweats during sleep. Cold sweat can appear both at night and during the day. Cold sweat in infants can occur because of brain function is not fully developed or it could be due to certain conditions. Cold sweat in infants can appear mainly on several parts of the body such as the soles of the feet, palms, and armpits. Although it seems trivial, but this condition turns out to be a sign of a more serious disease. Possible Causes of Cold Sweat in Babies It is important for parents to know the various causes of cold sweat in infants, as well as the signs and symptoms that can accompany it. Below are the various causes of cold sweat in infants to watch out for. Shock In a state of shock, blood pressure drops so low that the body's organs don't receive enough oxygen or blood to function. If not treated immediately, shock can damage organs and be life threatening. Sepsis Sepsis is a serious conditi...

Policresulent Not Recommended for Sprue Medication, This Is the Reason

Policresulent in the form of liquid medicine preparations outside concentrates is often used by the community to treat thrush. However, this is actually not quite right, because the risk of side effects is greater than the benefits. So it is important to know the right use of polycresulent, so that it can get its benefits as a treatment. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has issued an official letter containing an appeal not to use products containing polycresulent preparations of liquid medicine outside concentrates, for safety reasons. While policresulen in other dosage forms, can still be used as one step of treatment in several conditions. Benefits and Risks of Policresulent Side Effects Policresulent is the result of condensation from metacresolsulfonic acid and methanol, which have acidic properties. This drug has an effect as an antiseptic (inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria) and hemosta...

Understanding the Functions of Mantoux Tests and Procedures Performed

Mantoux test or tuberculin skin test (TST) is an examination carried out to determine the presence of TB germs on the body. For those of you who have relatives, friends or often make direct contact with TB sufferers, it is recommended to do the Mantoux test to detect as early as possible if infected. Tuberculosis (TB) is a lung disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis which can be transmitted. Transmission of TB disease can be through the air, for example when TB sufferers cough, so that bacteria spread into the air through bursts of saliva and inhaled by people around the sufferer. Not only in adults, TB can also affect children. Mantoux Test Procedure This test is done by injecting a small amount of a fluid called PPD tuberculin, into the skin of the arm. After the injection, usually a small lump will form on the surface of the skin. The doctor will give an initial marking around the lump using a marker, so that it can be known if there is a change in the siz...

Don't Feel Alone For Too Long, Drive Immediately This Way

Feeling alone is different from being alone. Feeling alone can also be interpreted as lonely. You can feel alone even in a crowd. Meanwhile, there are also people who are alone but do not feel lonely. It's best not to let yourself feel alone or alone for too long. Because, feelings like this, if allowed to drag on can cause a decrease in the immune system, high blood pressure, impaired heart function and decreased memory. In addition, feeling alone can also lead to weight gain, lack of sleep or too much, so more prone to depression. How to Overcome Loneliness Feeling alone is often a temporary feeling. This feeling may be present when you lose a loved one, separate from a partner, or move and be in a new environment. While this is temporary, there are a number of things you can do to get rid of these feelings, namely: Doing a hobby Doing what you like will make the mind divert from the situation that has been felt alone. Better yet, you do hobby activities with people who...

Get Rid of Waves Don't Be Trivial, Know the Right Handling

Detraction can be experienced by anyone, including infants and adults. This condition can cause discomfort and pain. Because of this, it is important to know the causes and how to deal with the right hindering. Disembodied or medically called a hernia, occurs when an organ in the body protrudes out through a gap in the muscle or supporting tissue in the body. Losing can occur in the stomach, navel, upper thighs, and groin. Signs Going Down Someone who experiences a winding down will usually feel a lump in certain body parts. Sometimes these bumps on the winding can sometimes be pushed back into the body, but some are not. Lumps can be felt when standing, bending, laughing, straining when defecating, or coughing. The appearance of a hernia lump can be accompanied by pain. Pain in the hernia can arise when not active, or appear when doing certain activities such as walking, bending, running or lifting weights. When a baby suffers from winding down, usually a lump will appear when ...