Get Rid of Waves Don't Be Trivial, Know the Right Handling

Detraction can be experienced by anyone, including infants and adults. This condition can cause discomfort and pain. Because of this, it is important to know the causes and how to deal with the right hindering. Disembodied or medically called a hernia, occurs when an organ in the body protrudes out through a gap in the muscle or supporting tissue in the body. Losing can occur in the stomach, navel, upper thighs, and groin.

Signs Going Down

Someone who experiences a winding down will usually feel a lump in certain body parts. Sometimes these bumps on the winding can sometimes be pushed back into the body, but some are not. Lumps can be felt when standing, bending, laughing, straining when defecating, or coughing. The appearance of a hernia lump can be accompanied by pain. Pain in the hernia can arise when not active, or appear when doing certain activities such as walking, bending, running or lifting weights. When a baby suffers from winding down, usually a lump will appear when the child is crying. Detraction can occur if there is weakness in the muscles or body parts that function to support the position of organs in the body. There are several risk factors that can cause a person to be more at risk of contracting a heal, such as:
  • The habit of lifting heavy weights.
  • Frequent straining, for example due to constipation or difficulty urinating.
  • Chronic cough.
  • There is a buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity or ascites.
  • A history of injury or having undergone surgery in an area where hernias appear.
  • Sudden weight gain.
  • Family history of illness.
To further evaluate, the doctor will do a physical examination to find a lump due to a winding down. If necessary, the doctor will recommend an X-ray or CT scan. There is also an examination through an endoscopic procedure to ascertain the type of autopsy experienced. Meanwhile, in infants or children, generally the supporting examination for autopsy is by ultrasound.

How to Deal with a Heaved

Handling that can be given for people with a heal is somewhat diverse, depending on the size of the lump and the severity. But, generally handling a winding down requires surgery. There are a few tips you can try to relieve the symptoms of a heal, namely:
  • Dietary changes such as avoiding foods that can cause stomach acid reflux, such as spicy foods and tomatoes.
  • Lose weight, if excess.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • There are several types of exercise that can help the muscles become stronger around the winding location, but you should consult a doctor about sports that are safe for people with hernias.
If it does not improve or it causes other complaints, such as pain or lumps, the doctor will generally recommend a hernia operation. In addition, surgery is mandatory if a hernia goes down or hernia has continued to become a strangulated hernia. Strangulated hernia is a dangerous winding down condition, because it can occur tissue damage to organs that have hernias. This is due to obstruction of blood flow in these tissues, due to being squeezed in the hernia gap. Signs and symptoms of dangerous zigzag are when zigzag is accompanied by other symptoms, such as severe pain, swelling around the hernia area, bruising or redness in areas that experience hernia, bloating, constipation, bloody stools, nausea, vomiting, and fever. For those of you who feel a lump in a part of the body due to a winding down, especially if accompanied by these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor to get further treatment.


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